Monday, September 15, 2014

Finally Some News

We received word that the orphanage now has their license back! They are down to only three caregivers though and as such are only allowed 9 babies (3 per caregiver). Taiwan has also changed some of their laws since the US has changed theirs. Taiwan has extended the period of time that a baby has to be adopted by a Taiwanese family. As such, there is now a longer wait time from when the baby is brought into the orphanage to when they are allowed to be adopted out by an international family. Since no adoptions were able to be processed during the license situation, it looks like we will not receive a match within a year. Right now we just hold on to the belief that the child God has for us, is not at the orphanage yet. Things are progressing, just not as quickly as we had originally thought they would. Last Wednesday we had our first interview for our home study update. This Wednesday we have our second interview. Once the home study is updated, we'll be able to file our i600A with the government to get final approval from the government to be able to complete the adoption once we have a match. The home study is good for a year and the i600A gives us approval for 18 months. The adoption agency seems pretty confident that we won't have get an update or file for an extension. For now, we wait.....