Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Prepare for a long post! So many things have happened in the past few days.

Monday I met with the baby's pediatrician. We are very fortunate to have a pediatrician who is an adoption specialist. She seems very knowledgable. When we get our referral she will go over it with us piece by piece and let us know of any concerns she has.

Tuesday I called the agency to make sure they received some paperwork that they needed. While on that call I asked if they had any ideas on time frame with all of the changes that have come about. I told her the last we knew we were number 24 on the list. She looked and said we are actually in the top 10 now that all of our paperwork has been received! It's coming soon! We were on cloud 9 all day. We still don't know an exact time frame because we can never predict how quickly the courts will move and process adoptions. We are close to receiving our referral!

Today I am still excited but the panic has also set in. I have the normal 1st time mommy fears for sure. I have also started to panic about money. Not only do we still have the financial concerns for the adoption itself but also for the money to buy all the things. I asked on FB for a link to a baby buy, sell, and trade page and when I did, ladies just began posting all of the things they wanted to give me. It was amazing, I was crying. God is so good. These people have no idea how much of a blessing they are to us.

Financial needs: I sat down and looked at our budget for the adoption and what is paid and still needs to be paid. The good news is, we have enough money in the puzzle fundraiser and our adoption savings account for the adoption and agency fees! Our focus now is to get money for the two trips we need to take to Taiwan. We'll need to pay for plane tickets, lodging (estimated to be $150-$200 a night), food, and spending money. If you would like to help, we are still doing the puzzle fundraiser. We have sold 112 of 500 pieces. Here is the link for that: